jQuery API jQuery API 中英文对照版 - jQuery在线查询手册


Allows you to resort elements within a container by dragging and dropping. Requires the Draggables and Droppables plugins. The container and each item inside the container must have an ID. Sortables are especially useful for lists.


  • options (Hash): A hash of options

Hash 选项

  • accept (String): The class name for items inside the container (mandatory)
  • activeclass (String): The class for the container when one of its items has started to move
  • hoverclass (String): The class for the container when an acceptable item is inside it
  • helperclass (String): The helper is used to point to the place where the item will be moved. This is the class for the helper.
  • opacity (Float): Opacity (between 0 and 1) of the item while being dragged
  • ghosting (Boolean): When true, the sortable is ghosted when dragged
  • tolerance (String): Either 'pointer', 'intersect', or 'fit'. See Droppable for more details
  • fit (Boolean): When true, sortable must be inside the container in order to drop
  • fx (Integer): Duration for the effect applied to the sortable
  • onchange (Function): Callback that gets called when the sortable list changed. It takes an array of serialized elements
  • floats (Boolean): True if the sorted elements are floated
  • containment (String): Use 'parent' to constrain the drag to the container
  • axis (String): Use 'horizontally' or 'vertically' to constrain dragging to an axis
  • handle (String): The jQuery selector that indicates the draggable handle
  • handle (DOMElement): The node that indicates the draggable handle
  • onHover (Function): Callback that is called when an acceptable item is dragged over the container. Gets the hovering DOMElement as a parameter
  • onOut (Function): Callback that is called when an acceptable item leaves the container. Gets the leaving DOMElement as a parameter
  • cursorAt (Object): The mouse cursor will be moved to the offset on the dragged item indicated by the object, which takes "top", "bottom", "left", and "right" keys
  • onStart (Function): Callback function triggered when the dragging starts
  • onStop (Function): Callback function triggered when the dragging stops


jQuery 代码:
$('ul').Sortable( { accept : 'sortableitem', activeclass : 'sortableactive', hoverclass : 'sortablehover', helperclass : 'sorthelper', opacity: 0.5, fit : false } )